Weekend Playlist - DJ Bike Pretty Spins For You


 I've been working on this weekend playlist for ages. And it shows. And you can hear it. This set is guaranteed to get the party going.

Don't believe me? Go ahead and put it on. Just know that you've been warned.

Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any saddle discomfort after you've danced your ass off.

[spotifyplaybutton play="http://open.spotify.com/user/bikepretty/playlist/6QupgJoupy4kxdMqbycS6z" size="400" sizetype="width" theme="white"]

I made the first version in July for SF Bike Party. But I only had a Jambox attached to my rear rack. It wasn't loud enough to play near the other awesome music bikes.

So for BikeHandsome's Bicycle Birthday Party we built a system with a little more oomph.

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DJ Bike Pretty spins at almost every SF Bike Party. Leave a comment and let me know if there is something you'd like to hear!

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