9 Reasons Why You Should Ride A Red Bike
Red has power. It's the only color that will reach out and grab you by the eyeballs in a way that feels good.
Because it's the color of ripe strawberries, it symbolizes attraction. Seriously. Try to keep the birds from eating your strawberries. Then you'll understand why red means rage.
Via Instagram, here are 9 reasons why you should ride a red bike (in no particular order).
9 Reasons Why You Should Ride A Red Bike
1. In Amsterdam, rental bikes are red. You don't have to bring your own all the way from the US. These bikes are cheap and comfy. You can usually get a further discount on the rental through the youth hostel.
2. Red bikes look pretty with flowers. And a scarf-cape.
Here in San Francisco, springtime is the season to let your freak flag fly. Usually that looks like ass-less chaps or a mono-dreadlock. I think I'll try this version.
3. Pugs feel safer on a red bike.
Even though pugs can't perceive the color red, they'll notice how all the motorists are dominated by your pretty red bike. Pugs appreciate that you're the pack leader.
4. Red is flattering.
It compliments most skin tones and gives you a healthy glow.
5. Catherine Baba does it.
She's amazing. Just do whatever she does.
6. A red bike goes perfectly with your khaki trench coat.
The latest in spy chic.
7. Stand out from all the green in Dolores Park.
This makes it easier for your friends to find you. Trust.
8. They taste delicious.
Noms. Cookies. Noms.
9. It's usually the start of an amazing adventure.
I really hope your bike doesn't get stolen, though.
And for anyone NOT susceptible to reverse psychology, here are 9 reasons why you shouldn't ride a bike to work.