London Tweed Run 2013 Winner: Most Dashing Dame


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Photos by Kelly

The Most Dashing Dame of the 2013 London Tweed Run

Cordings sponsored the Most Dashing Dame competition. The well-deserved title went to this lovely lady in blue.

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She's the personification of the Mary Poppins Effect.

Wouldn't that be Mary Poppins herself ?- ed. Yes, but Mary Poppins doesn't ride a bike in the movie. Though she does float on a carousel horse. - M.

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bike pretty, bike pretty, pretty bike, girls on bikes, outfit ideas, cycle style, fashion bike, bike fashion, bike chic, chic bike, bike style, girl on bike, bike lady, cycle chic, tweed run, vintage, london, mary poppins, dashing dame

For drizzly weather she has this clever rain cape. Find a similar one (albeit bright orange) here.


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