Must Read Links


Happy Friday! Today we are celebrating Bike Handsome's birthday. So party down with these must read links.

♦ Pulp Fiction is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time. 19 years later, it's still genius. This interview with the actor who played Marvin (as in "Aw, man, I shot Marvin in the face.") sheds some light on the tricks Quentine Tarantino pulled to get it made. Via Vanity Fair

♦ The awesome anachronism that is the Malmö (Sweden) Tweed Ride, in three parts: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Via Malmö Street Style

♦ What happens when LA kicks out the cars and invites all the bikes to the party? Check out a slide show from the eighth edition of CicLAvia. Via the Los Angeles Times

♦ A gentle reminder that your face is supposed to have pores. And hairs. And blemishes. And marks of all types. A peek at how the unattainable standards of external beauty create internal damage. Via Already Pretty

♦ Congratulations to Iladora for reaching their funding goal for The Perfect Bike Pant! Via Iladora Blog

♦ Getting back to basics: how's your cliteracy? Via Huffington Post

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