Must Read Links


Happy Friday! Even if your office doesn't observe Summer Fridays, you can still blow off work for the rest of the afternoon with these must read links.

bike pretty, bikepretty, pretty bike, girls on bikes, cycle style, fashion bike, bike fashion, bike chic, bike style, girl on bike, cycle chic, tweed run, bike no hands, fixie, victorian, bike lady, bike woman, bloomers, suffragette, fixie tricks, no hands

Park and Cube's coverage of the London Tweed Run Part 1 and Part 2

A clever and eco-friendly solution for protecting your clothes from heat and humidity gets a test run at Zoe's Fashion Feed. 

According to Refinery 29, these are the best thrift stores of San Francisco and environs. I must say that I actually agree. Well played Refinery 29, but you still can convince me that baggy, printed trousers are must-haves.

A stolen bike is a major bummer, but if it happens to you, there is hope. Why your social media addiction is just as important as your bike lock. 

 Why Are We Ruining Our Best Young Fashion Companies? For once cheap knockoffs fast fashion isn't to blame.

➽ Everything you wanted to know about start-up funding, but were afraid to ask. How Funding Works – Splitting The Equity Pie With Investors

While I should take credit for single-handedly making bamboo bicycles fashionable, Fashion forecasting company WGSN also reports on the bamboo bicycle trend (unfortunately they profiled the dodgiest manufacturer ever). 

☂ But wait, what the heck is fashion forecasting? Listen to the Planet Money Podcast: Why Pink? and find out about the secret conspiracy behind your favorite t-shirt.

The New York Times Design column explores the fascinating history of "color engineers". 

♛ This is basically everything that Bike Pretty stands for, in a subversive, third-wave-feminism kind of way. Also, I love the vintage outfit photos. And just imagine, all those ladies were riding fixies!

☞ Because you want to hear what Bill Cunningham has to say about NYC's bike share program. SPOILER ALERT: He loves it!

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