Getting Ready for the London Tweed Run


Photos by Kelly R. Miller

Kelly and her young man have already started marshal training for this year's London Tweed Run, to be held on May 17.

Shini Park at the London Tweed Run 2013 Shini Park at the London Tweed Run 2013

Sadly, last year's co-organizer Jacqui Shannon isn't managing the ride this time, due to her full-time employment. (I mean, she's probably not sad about having a job. Congrats, Jacqui!)

Miss Jeni Yesterday at the London Tweed Run 2013 Miss Jeni Yesterday at the London Tweed Run 2013

Lucky for us, Kelly will be documenting the ride from the stoker position of a tweed-covered tandem bicycle. Can't wait to see more shots like these!

At the London Tweed Run 2013 At the London Tweed Run 2013

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