Tweed Run Street Style: Marshals be Ballin'


Guys, ACE season is finally upon us. E.g., Anachronistic Cycling Event season, a Euro-zone specialty.  Where the aim is to look ace.

We're already at T-3 days until the 2014 London Tweed Run!  Time flies.


In honor of this annual moment of tweed-ified glory, let's take a moment to appreciate the innate style embodied by the Marshal* team: that of those dapper ladies and gents that guide the ride through the perilous streets of central London, blocking double-deckers and shushing irrate black-cab drivers with a courteous

"We'll just be a few moments, kind Sir!"

...even when it's really more like 7 moments.  If single moments were actual minutes.

Below, a BP round-up of my fellow gallant sherpas** from last year's ride, 2013.  You can tell us by the distinct caps, made by Mr. Hat of fine Dashing Tweeds fabric.

The latter is in charge of team schwag again this year.  Stay tuned for the big reveal this Saturday.

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-3 2013 Head Marshal, the Supremely Babe-ly Simon Ash (husband of the Sublime Jo Ash), leads the team in a pre-ride huddle. Check out that custom Cordings 3-piece!

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-6 Shibby dresses like this all the time. Really. Also, his gin & tonic skills are as good as he looks. #winning

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-0 Forgive the hi-viz, it's the health & safety people. Enjoy Debbie's lovely face instead.

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-1 (1) The ride gets going in Regent's Park.

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-9 (1) Real Men wear pink.

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-7 (2) Simon directing the crew down Regent Street. 

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-0 (1) Notice how his seat matches his tires?? Oh, and that smile? Yeah.

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-8 (1) In action. IN SPATS!

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-2 (2) Ok, so he's not a Marshal. But he is a Boss. 

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-4 (1) All the single ladies...

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-2 (1) Peter Georgallou, my style icon.

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-1 (2) Ted Young-Ing, co-Founder of the Tweed Run, checks his iphone.  In plus-fours.

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-9 Caren Hartley, jeweller and burgeoning frame-builder, dazzles in her signature Valentino specs and perfect red-orange lips. 

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-3 These boys. 

Tweed-Run-2013-London-Marshal-Team-photos-Kelly-Miller-8 (2) Hope to see you at the tea party!  Don't forget your mophie, you're gonna wanna get ur IG on.


*Full disclosure: I was a Marshal last year.  And I'm a Marshal again this year.  #biased

**Just one of many monikers employed in team emails throughout this year's training session.

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