Tziporah Salamon and the Art of Dressing

Advanced Style star Tziporah Salamon with a bamboo bike at the Gatsby Summer Afternoon picnic.

Advanced Style star Tziporah Salamon with a bamboo bike at the Gatsby Summer Afternoon picnic.

Yesterday I was lucky enough to attend the Art Deco Society of California's annual Gatsby Summer Afternoon. This magical picnic requires all the attendees to dress in styles from the 20s and 30s. Even plastic cups and plates need to be kept hidden out of sight, so that they won't spoil the effect with anachronisms.

This year was even better than last year, because I was accompanied by the incredibly inspiring Tziporah Salamon. If you know anything about cycle chic, I'm sure that you have seen some of the wonderful photos of Tziporah as she rides around New York City on her gorgeous Bianchi. In fact, she's a favorite of Bill Cunningham, the greatest street style photographer of all time.

Isn't Tziporah the cutest?

Isn't Tziporah the cutest?

Lucky for us, Tziporah has been in San Francisco giving her seminar on the Art of Dressing. She has been such a hit, that she kept adding extra shows to her schedule and extending her stay. Her last local class before returning to New York City is tomorrow evening. Don't miss it!

ART OF DRESSING SEMINAR : an evening of show and tell
With Tziporah Salamon
Tues, Sept 15th, 7-9, SF
Info and tickets at:

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