Minneapolis Star Tribune Says "Ditch the spandex"


The Minneapolis Star Tribune is taking a hard-line stand on the Great Lycra Debate. No doubt, the populace is fed up with lumpy sausages whizzing by on $10,000 road bikes. Intrepid muckraker Aimee Blanchette is rallying the aesthetically-sensitive denizens of the Twin Cities with a cry of "Ditch the Spandex"!

There's even a nice mention of Bike Pretty:

Then there are the blogs, such as San Francisco-based Bike Pretty, which inspires people to, well, ride a bike and look pretty. Blog entries include: “How to ride in a maxi skirt” and “How to dominate hills in a dress.”

Such an honor to be the only cycle chic blog mentioned!

Check out Courtney Perry's slideshow for more ways to ride in style.

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