Must Read Links: Do we need bike fashion? And more

Bike commuter crossing Market Street in San Francisco

As a bike commuter, you have probably found yourself in this exact situation: tempted to run a red light. Here's why it feels so right to do so "wrong".

I have long admired my friend Stephanie's luxe-goth Black Heart Manicure. Lucky for us, she posted a tutorial on her blog. Photos by me.

Just in time for the holiday cooking season, here is the strangest Italian food you don’t know about. Get simultaneously inspired and grossed out!

Take a look at biking in Philadelphia: Then and Now. Plus photos!

Lauren Steinhardt wrote her 2010 graduate dissertation on Women's commuter cycling apparel: functional design process to product. Read the results of her research here.

Many thanks to Bust Magazine for the Bike Pretty shout-out in their recent post: Biking Babe Brands For Staying Fashionably Safe

In 1975, JC Penney hired 12 college students to ride their bikes from NYC to San Francisco. he music is classic. Riding gear was whatever you had. No gloves, no helmets, no worries! Watch the video and enjoy the kaleidoscopic effects and beautiful scenery.

What happens when your most recent vintage score turns out to be a bit more than you bargained for. Maura of Halcyon Fair explores the past life of an everyday object.

Mia Kohout, Editor-in-Chief of Momentum Magazine, asks, "Do we need bike fashion?"

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