Outfit of the Day: Black & White Polka Dot

Black & White Polka Dot: Outfit of the Day
When you're going for print-mixing, remember the rule of threes. For example, I'm wearing only three colors. Black and white in equal amounts while red is the accent color.
I'm also limited to only three patterns. Start with the polka dot of the shirt. Then it's inverted to white-on-black for the skirt.
Finally there are thick stripes, like on the tights. This third motif is simpler to give the eye somewhere to rest.

The polka dot blouse was a gift from my sweet friend Lauren. She picked it up for my birthday a couple of years ago. Similar here.
The skirt is by venerable thrift store Juniors brand My Michelle. It actually started life as a knee-length dress. Over the years I've taken it in, hemmed it, and finally chopped the top off to wear as shown.
I keep meaning to finish the skirt's waistband. But what's the rush when I can just throw a wide belt over it? This red elastic belt is from American Apparel.

The black and white tights are inspired by Chanel. Actually they are a pair of the Chinese knock-offs that flooded ebay a few months after the Fall 2008 show.
I bought these red boots when I was a student in Milan four years ago. You can find similar can-can boots here.