• 50 Ways to Bike With No Hands

    Q: How can you spot a happy cyclist? A: From the number of flies in her teeth! This video made me smile so wide. I'm not sure that I'll be able to master all 50 ways to ride a bike with no hands. But I'm inspired to make up a few of my own. Gotta love "The Vogue," "The Angry Internet Commenter," and "The...
  • Weekend Soundtrack - Pickwick Is My New Favorite Band

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbsTS8gIAxU Weekend Soundtrack - Pickwick Is My New Favorite Band I've kept Pickwick's soulful rock-n-roll on repeat this past week. When I found this video of their bravura performance inside a bike shop, I had to share. As BikeHandsome said recently of frontman Galen Disston, "I want his voice to melt over me like warm honey" or something. Anyway, the guy's got pipes. If you're...
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