Must Read Links


Happy Friday! Get your weekend relax on with these must read links.San Franciscans enjoying the Bay Area Bike Share on the first day of launch

⚀ Does it feel like Fall yet? Keep your fingers warm and DIY yourself a pair of ultra-chic fingerless gloves using this handy how-to. Via fashionable bike shop Eleanor's NYC.

⚁ Those inspiring Danes. Despite being taller than everyone else, they'll still rock a pair of six inch heels. In the rain. While riding a bike. Gotta love them. Via Copenhagen Cycle Chic.

Have you ever wondered about the difference between Cycle Chic and Cycle Style? (Maybe that's just me.) This double book review attempts to break it down. Via the archives of Cool Hunting.

⚃ Biking in the US, from a Dutch perspective: in brief, we're doing it wrong :(  Via Bicycle Dutch.

⚄ What do you think about grey nail polish? It sounds cadaverous, but it's actually lovely! (Bonus points for showing off her mani with a gorgeous bike.) Via A Cup of Jo.

⚅ Are you a self-identifying female person that rides a bike? A USA Cycling would like your feedback. Take their survey here.

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