The Perfect Bike Pant by Iladora


You guys! Bike fashion is a real thing! Take the Perfect Bike Pant by Iladora, currently in the homestretch of their crowd funding campaign.

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Designed by a couple of fancy ladies that love bikes, this commuter trouser has lots of yummy on-the-bike features. Like a raised rear waistband to combat whale tail. (Am I the only person that bikes in a thong? Is that TMI?)

iladora, bike pant, commuter, bike trouser, bike to work clothes, perfect bike pant, bike to work, bike pretty, bikepretty, pretty bike, cycle style, fashion bike, bike fashion, bike chic, bike style, cycle chic, outfit ideas

They've thought of everything. Seriously, check out the sewn-in tab that holds up your cuff-roll. And it's powered by magnets. Magnets, people! How cool is that?

iladora, bike pant, commuter, bike trouser, bike to work clothes, perfect bike pant, bike to work, bike pretty, bikepretty, pretty bike, cycle style, fashion bike, bike fashion, bike chic, bike style, cycle chic, outfit ideas

I'm sick of seeing bike commuter pants limited to men-only products (ahem, Levi's). That just doesn't cut it for my hip-to-waist ratio. So it's super exciting that these San Francisco based designers are taking matters into their own hands and filling this giant pants-shaped hole in the market.

Snag a discounted pair for yourself via the pre-order campaign, currently on IndieGoGo. They come in black and grey.

And if you would like to check them out in person, you're invited to try on the samples at Mission Bicycle Company this Saturday October 12.

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