Bike Pretty on the Paris Vélib

So you're headed to Paris. Well guess what? You're in luck: the Bike Pretty satchel is Vélib-compatible!

I know what you're thinking. "It has a basket, what is this girl talking about?"
Listen, guys: you need that basket space for lots of other things.
Things like boulangerie goodies, the flowers for your friend who just had a baby, and the spoils of those last-minute French pharmacy shopping sprees.

(Gotta stock up on the sunblock, gnome 'sane?)

Plus: by strapping the bag onto one of the handlebars, it's secure. Meaning thieves standing on street corners at stoplights can't just go and grab that beautiful baby outta your basket.
Trust me, it's a really practical accessory for that highly-staged outfit-post ride through Place des Vosges post-carafe-of-Brouilly ride through one of those pretty manicured parks.

Just accept that you have wine-face. People will be looking at your bag anyway.

...and noting that you wore matching hosiery.

"Hey, this is actually great! My bag isn't jostling around at all! And shady corner-dude can't steal it easily; mwahaha !"

"Hmm, bit chilly. Wine-warmth is over. Best cover up again." Vintage floral raglan-sleeve cardigan, similar to this one.

Well now, wasn't that fun?

Now that the ride is over, you can go hunt endlessly for a parking docking spot. Don't fret.

Once you've returned your bike to the docking station, you can drink more wine.
...And stock up on cheese on the way home: look at all that basket space under the bag!
Photos by moi et Laura Wassermann, aka @absorbi. Dress by Alasdair NY and similar to this dress by Burberry, hosiery by American Apparel, shoes from a vintage shop in Glasgow, similar to these pumps.