• Traffic Safety - Bike Pretty Style

    Traffic Safety - Bike Pretty Style

    Biking in San Francisco means biking near cars. While we do have some great bike paths, and new bike lanes are being added or improved all the time, it's common to find yourself skirting around an Uber car that is unloading passengers in the bike lane, or right next to a huge truck...
  • Color of the Year Bike Helmet: Coming Soon

    Color of the Year Bike Helmet: Coming Soon

    As awesome as biking is, the bike industry is not known for being up-to-date on the fashion trends. Despite the hard work of yours truly. Which means that there are no bike helmets available in this universally flattering color. But I had to have a Marsala colored helmet. Especially since it matches so nicely with my limited edition Bike Pretty Satchel. In order to make my cycle...
  • 6 Tips to Stay Warm While Biking

    6 Tips to Stay Warm While Biking

    When it comes to instructions for how to stay warm while biking in the snow , I always make sure to ask an expert. This is a guest post from Claudia Manley. A transplanted Californian, Claudia currently lives in Canada and is no stranger to biking in all kinds of weather. In this guest post, she graciously shares her tips for staying warm. -- Melissa
  • Cute Cold Weather Cycle Gear

    Biking in the winter is not impossible, but can be unpleasant without well thought-out accessories. As I reflect on lessons learned from last year’s Polar Vortex, I am making a list of requirements for stylish biking in freezing cold weather (a warm coat being obvious, of course!). I am also fervently hoping that I won’t need these things too often!
  • Bike Fashion Outfit Ideas - Autumn in the City

    Bike Fashion Outfit Ideas - Autumn in the City

    With the new season, I've been working on new projects and trying out new bike fashion outfit ideas. One day a week I cross the Bay into West Oakland, then bike into Berkeley, where I help out a bike light company with their social media and marketing. Even though the office dress code is best described as warehouse casual, I have not yet succumbed to peer pressure. Starting...
  • How Cycling Can Save You Money

    How Cycling Can Save You Money

    Of course here at Bike Pretty Headquarters, we are committed to showing you how biking can make your life more beautiful. But from time to time we acknowledge the other benefits of the bike-lifestyle. Like how cycling can save you money. Money you can spend on buying a bike satchel. Fortunately, this wonderful infographic from the Mint.com blog is as stylish as it is persuasive. Oh, and lets make every month...
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