• San Francisco Bike To Work Day

    San Francisco Bike To Work Day

    Today is Bike To Work Day in San Francisco Sure a lot of people bike to work regularly. But San Francisco's annual Bike To Work Day is like Bicycle Commuter Prom. Even though it's the same people you see every other day of the year, it's a special occasion to celebrate each other. And let's face it, most of the techies riding their adorable...
  • 3 Ways to Get Leopard Print Style on Your Bike

    3 Ways to Get Leopard Print Style on Your Bike

    Last month I shared a lesson: leopard print style can help you stay safe on your bike. Or at least get you noticed. Which is nearly the same thing, right? Here are three more ways to introduce this hi-visibility pattern into your commute. 1. Leopard Print Unitard, $31.57 - $59.99 Teacher's pet Kelly went for extra-credit by wearing a leopard print unitard (like this one)...
  • 9 Reasons Why You Should Ride A Red Bike

    Red has power. It's the only color that will reach out and grab you by the eyeballs in a way that feels good. Because it's the color of ripe strawberries, it symbolizes attraction. Seriously. Try to keep the birds from eating your strawberries. Then you'll understand why red means rage. Via Instagram, here are 9 reasons why you should ride a red bike (in...
  • 10 Shockingly Chic Bicycle Helmets

    10 Shockingly Chic Bicycle Helmets

    Good judgment is always sexy. And there are a lot of protective lids that actually look decent. Attractive even. In no particular order, I present to you my favorite helmet styles.
  • Leopard Print Cycle Chic

    Leopard Print Cycle Chic

    The Power of Leopard Print Cycle Chic Tip: Leopard Print is Hi-Viz Turns out that eyeball-searing fluorescent yellow isn't the last word in high-visibility apparel. As Bikeyface demonstrates, a minimal covering of leopard print can also command attention. Which reminded me of the magnificent Sawako Furuno helmet that Ladyfleur owns.  It's even more gorgeous in person. It's a concrete jungle out there. So be...
  • Cycle Style - SF Attempts a Euro Look

    Cycle Style - SF Attempts a Euro Look

    Cycle Style - SF Attempts a Euro Look Last week Bike Snob NYC challenged the honor of San Francisco cycle style. The reason? Publicity. please dress as "Euro" as possible (interpret that as you will), and if you have a Dutch bike or similarly practical (or hefty) city bike then ride it. Specifically for the filming of a book trailer for the Snob's latest tome. (Have...
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