Tweed Ride Bags by Timbuk2


Here at Bike Pretty Headquarters, we're all in a flurry getting ready for the San Francisco Tweed Ride this Sunday. We've tested the route a few times to make sure it's a fun and comfortable bike ride. And today I got to pick up some very special prizes from Tweed Ride Sponsor Timbuk2.

Timbuk2 has sponsored other Tweed Rides before (like the Tokyo Tweed Run pictured above). But this is the first time that they've sponsored such an event in their own home town. 


On the day of the ride we'll be raffling off the Prospect Pack in Houndstooth and the Classic Messenger Bag in Herringbone. Both bags were made right here in San Francisco!

Hope you can join us for the ride on Sunday. Don't forget to RSVP on Facebook. For some Tweed Outfit inspiration check out these posts:

Pitti Uomo Fall/Winter 2013 - Street Style


Tweed Run Street Style: Marshals Be Ballin'


London Tweed Run Winner: Most Dashing Dame, 2014

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