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Happy Friday! Here's a list of what I've been obsessing over and just can't bear to keep from you any longer. san francisco bike lane, bike pretty, bikepretty, pretty bike, cycle style, fashion bike, bike fashion, bike chic, bike style, cycle chic, outfit ideas

♦ When I started this blog over a year ago, I felt really lucky to find a name that summed up my version of cycle chic. (It was also a play on San Francisco Bike Party's rallying cry.) But since then, I've learned how culturally loaded the term pretty is. As this writer explains, pretty is a set of skills. Via Bitchtopia

 ATTENTION: Bikes are cool again. I'm sure you already knew that, but here are the stats to back it up. 'Cause nothing says cool like a bunch of transportation studies. Via Triple Pundit

 “I said I was surprised to hear her say she didn't know how to run a business... ‘Weren't you making a lot of money?’” New Yorker profiles are always such a delight, but this portrait of Eileen Fisher is just beyond beyond. You can practically visualize the writer's mind being blown out in chunks as she examines a successful business run almost entirely by women. In the September 23, 2013 issue of the New Yorker (behind the pay wall)

♦ Must watch: The Grand Budapest Hotel, trailer for the new Wes Anderson movie. Squeeee!!!! Via YouTube

♦ Got a Halloween costume yet? No? Me, either. Give up now because this family already won at Halloween, life. Via reddit

♦ I have a no-food policy for Bike Pretty. It's not that I hate food (quite the opposite!) but there are so many other blogs, cooks, writers, and Instagram accounts that do it better. But I feel terrible keeping this yeasted waffle recipe from you any longer. I make it almost every weekend. Best homemade waffles ever & perfect for lazy people. Via Smitten Kitchen

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