Cute Girl, Cool Bike - Elisa Sassi

Elisa & Lola Elisa & Lola

Cute Girl, Cool Bike: Featuring Elisa Sassi and Lola

Elisa told me that she picked this vintage-looking outfit based on her bike's 1970's origins. Although she normally prefers flat shoes and jeans for her daily biking, this is the sort of thing she would wear for an evening out.

Elisa and Lola Elisa and Lola

Elisa and I climbed to the top of Dolores Park with her bike and a borrowed puppy, named Lola, in tow.

Elisa Elisa

By the time we reached the top, the golden light was fading. But the view of our city was still gorgeous.

Elisa Rides her Bike Elisa Rides her Bike

Elisa is a very cool girl and the creator of Sassiland: a world of adorably subversive bunny rabbits and their friends. She just released an iPad sticker app called Gloostickers that is too cute to be believed. And yes, she bikes in heels!

Elisa's Bicycle Elisa's Bicycle

Elisa's Benotto means a lot to her. It originally belonged to her husband. She loves to bike around San Francisco as fast as she can and even powers up Twin Peaks on her trusty steed.

Elisa Elisa

Get Elisa's look: Dress is similar to this, Boots are similar to these, Gold Casio watch similar to this. Hair by the super-talented Jen at Glamarama. Elisa tells me that it's a combination of two colors: "atomic pink" and "pimpin' purple."


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