It starts with knowing we stand out from the crowd and feeling really great about that!
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Nail Art
Nail Art by Revolights
Jenn from Revolights is sporting totally badass nail art inspired by the company's logo. It's a cool take on a DIY french manicure. Like if a french manicure went over to the dark side. Without the lettering, I could see cool girls everywhere rocking a similar mani.
We met at the San Francisco Bike Expo and she told me all about her company's awesome bike lights.
Thanks to various #revosightings, I was already a fan of these so-called Tron bike lights, but it was the first time that I had ever seen them up close. The construction definitely exceeded my expectations.
I really want a set. But I can't decide if I want them for myself or if I should get them for BikeHandsome so that I can enjoy the view.