Can I buy a cheap straw hat and glue it on to my helmet?

FAQ: Can I buy a cheap straw hat and glue it on to my helmet?

Glue Warning

Maybe? I don't recommend using glues on your helmet as they often contain solvents or other ingredients that can degrade your helmet’s ability to protect you in a crash, it is possible to create your own Straw Hat Helmet cover

Two Components

It's important to know that the Straw Hat Bike Helmet is two separate components: a US CPSC certified bike helmet and the Bike Pretty Straw Hat cover. ​​

Breakaway Design

For added safety the Straw Hat Bike Helmet cover is designed to be "breakaway" ​(as in it slips on and off) ​and is completely separate from the underlying bicycle helmet. The brim itself is flexible and easily compressed. It is reinforced with thermoplastic memory wire ​to maintain shape and keep the brim out of your peripheral vision.

Handmade Covers

All of the Straw Hat Helmet covers are made by hand, so if you have some sewing skills, familiarity with millinery, and an experimental spirit, you can probably make your own straw hat bike helmet. Tap or click here to find my best tips if you want to try to make your own helmet cover.

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