• Sunday Escape - Night Rider by Marissa Kaiser

    Enjoy this perfect dream of Summer cycling, featuring the lovely Soo Joo Park. “The idea came from watching my boyfriend skateboard at night under the Manhattan Bridge,” explains Kaiser. “It struck me how easily skateboarders glide through the night lights, just floating in the air.”  
  • Defining Mantyhose: Bike Motif Tights from Emilio Cavallini

    Defining Mantyhose: Bike Motif Tights from Emilio Cavallini

    Let me be clear: bike fashion is about looking good on a bike. It's not about taking regular, unsuspecting, perfectly-serviceable items and covering them with a bike print. No, that stuff doesn't count and I tend to avoid it like I avoid the driver's seat of a car. But but but, I have such a soft spot for novelty tights. I mean, I technically...
  • Must Read Links

    Happy Friday! Here's a list of what I've been obsessing over and just can't bear to keep from you any longer. ♦ When I started this blog over a year ago, I felt really lucky to find a name that summed up my version of cycle chic. (It was also a play on San Francisco Bike Party's rallying cry.) But since then, I've learned how...
  • Must Read Links

    Must Read Links

    Happy Friday! Even if your office doesn't observe Summer Fridays, you can still blow off work for the rest of the afternoon with these must read links. Park and Cube's coverage of the London Tweed Run Part 1 and Part 2 A clever and eco-friendly solution for protecting your clothes from heat and humidity gets a test run at Zoe's Fashion Feed.  According to...
  • Must Read Links: Cycle, Chic, and The City

    Photo by Mikael Colville-Andersen Must Read Links: Exploring Cities And Chic On a bike, San Francisco's streets become your friends (Hi, Harrison), or frenemies (talking about you, Steiner), or that weirdo you avoid making eye contact with (Divisadero). But it's not all about avoiding traffic and hills, as this interactive map shows by revealing the history of San Francisco's place names. I like my celebrity gossip...
  • Visiting Honey Cooler Handmade's Studio

    Visiting Honey Cooler Handmade's Studio

    Honey Cooler Handmade Studio Visit It's such a treat to visit a designer's studio, especially one filled with lovely lingerie. Being a fashion design nerd, I was super-excited when Stephanie invited me to the Honey Cooler Handmade headquarters. Her silk camisoles and ribbon corsets are exceptionally glamorous. And usually there's nothing glamorous about a sewing room. Often there's a bright, fluorescent-lit table with a...
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