Will the Straw Hat Cover Fit My Helmet?


Will the Straw Hat Bike Helmet Cover fit my helmet?

Will the Straw Hat Cover Fit My Helmet?

The Straw Hat Bike Helmet Cover Only is specifically designed to fit the YAKKAY Smart 2 bicycle helmet. We guarantee that the cover will stay in place at speeds up to 30 mph.

However, lots of my customers have tried the Straw Hat cover on other helmet brands with some luck. Those customers usually have to take the cover in size XL - US Large to fit their helmet.

Yes, you can buy the Straw Hat Helmet Cover on its own

Make sure to select the "Cover Only" package instead of the "Helmet + Cover" before you add to cart.  

  • A hand woven helmet cover that resembles a classic straw hat.

  • Designed to fit specific US CPSC certified bicycle helmets (not included)

  • Available in 3 different sizes to best fit your helmet

  • Refer to the sizing chart for details about which size to order for your helmet

  • When in doubt, order size XL - US Large

  • Includes innovative strap keepers to securely and safely attach the cover to helmet of your choice

  • Compatible with Retrospec Remi helmets, see size chart

The only way to know for sure if the Straw Hat Bike Helmet Cover Only will fit your helmet is to try it on for size. I make that easy with our no hassle return and exchange policy.

If you are curious what the Straw Hat Cover Only looks like on a regular bike helmet, I made this video for you: 

Will the Straw Hat Cover fit over a Thousand-brand helmet?

For years I thought it couldn't be done but then my customers tried combining these two styles, with great success! In fact, it was on their reassurance that I started trying it out for myself. I recently did a try-on of the Straw Hat covers on various helmets that I have in my collection, including my Rose Gold Thousand Bike Helmet in size Small. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the Cover Only in size L - US Medium fit my small Thousand. Watch the video here:

Do you have a horseback riding helmet?

No, unfortunately the base helmet of the Straw Hat Bike Helmet, the Yakkay Smart 2 bicycle helmet, is not ASTM certified as a horse-riding helmet (a different standard is necessary due to the different cases under which helmets are expected to perform) so we cannot sell the Straw Hat Bike Helmet or our other hat-style helmets as equestrian helmets in the United States.

Fortunately, I the Straw Hat cover fits on some of the best-selling equestrian helmets. Usually those horse riding helmets have to take the cover in size XL - US Large to fit but check the chart below for more information.

Watch this video to learn how to install a Straw Hat Helmet Cover Only on a popular equestrian helmet:

Have a question? Send me a message. I look forward to hearing from you!

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  • Posted on by Bike Pretty

    Additional hat-style covers can be purchased WITHOUT the helmet but selecting the “Cover Only” package. Depending on the style you choose, prices can range from $89 to $149 and up.

  • Posted on by Paulette Sitzenstock
    What is the cost of additional hats only?
  • Posted on by Donna

    can I buy helmet hat covers seperately, would like to change up hat styles

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