How to: Bike Bell Flower DIY

How To: Bike Bell Flower DIY

This is a another fantastic DIY guest post from Maja and Maja, two Croatian girls who have a flair for style and love to bike pretty. Check out their adorable lifestyle blog Maje Zmaje. Enjoy! –Melissa

I have another simple diy tutorial for you! This time we are making a flower bell for your bicycle!

Materials and tools:

How to:

1. Disassemble your flower.

2. Take one end of a jewellery wire and make small loops in a row, about 2 cm apart, twisting each one as you make them. The number of the loops should be the same as the number of petals.

3. Slide one loop through a hole in the center of each petal, drip a bit of glue and fold over.

4. Take the wire with petals on it and twist it around under the bell. Secure the ends of the wire by twisting them together and arrange the petals upwards! You are done! 

We hope you like it!

Maja and Maja


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  • Posted on by Judy Smith
    I’m retired and ride my pretty bicycle on the many rail trail bike trails Throughout beautiful Ohio. I am all girl and love being feminine. I think I would be a great advertisement for your pretty helmet. I’ve been trying to win one for some time.. Make a girls day 😃❤️👩🏻‍🌾
  • Posted on by Gina
    I had a problem with my straw hat flipping up when I cycle. I resolved the issue by spraying fabric stiffener spray on it. I put my hat on top of a glass cake stand so the front would slope down. Sprayed it multiple times. Let it dry. It worked like a charm. I purchased the fabric stiffener at a local Joann’s fabric store.

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